martes, 10 de febrero de 2009

Emilio Chapela talks with Koan J. Baysa

I decided to start a series of English-to-Spanish conversations with different people. The computer handles the translations between languages (and the miscommunication as well).
Here is the conversation I've started with Koan Jeff Baysa,

KOAN: Cuáles son las ventajas percibidas de los sentidos bajos: ¿olor, gusto, y tacto, en salud y la estética?

EMILIO: Your question makes think me immediately about the disgust: On the one hand in the kantiano debate of the aesthetic one, in relation to the disgust (and if it is possible or no, to sublimate the disgust to an aesthetic value). But at the same time I wonder myself if it is possible that the people we are less able of mediating the stimuli received through the low senses? They are immediate. The means of cumunicacion, like the television and the radius, present/display inmuerables to us events that we underwent through the view and the ear. But they cannot present/display the own sensorial experiences of the sense of smell, taste or tact to us. We cannot know at least as one feels to touch something, we touch that it. In the same way we cannot smell something that is not physically in front of us. This way, the low senses, force to us to be close, to undergo the things directly: In there. And not there. In other words, I believe that the low senses cannot in the same way be half-full that the view or the ear: An index relation exists, between the subject that experiment and referring (what it is touched, olído or tried). This makes me think that an analogy in the idea of the “dawn” of Walter YoungestChild in aesthetic terms and of the contagion in terms of health exists. So that somebody contracts a disease must make contact with physical enemy with the virus using its low senses. Which takes to think to me: it will be through taste, scent and tact that we obtain a vindication of Benjamin’s aesthetic “dawn? Or that we obtain, if still it interests to us, to revalue “the original one”?

KOAN: El Shooting de la cadera, repugnancia, como el despreciable, es subjetivo. Se dice que la felicidad de unos es la desgracia de otros. El cerebro se ata con alambre diferentemente para los sentidos y de maneras mucho más complicadas esas pensamos una vez. Los fenómenos del miembro fantasma desafían la noción de qué constituye una experiencia háptica real. La opinión de una imagen, por ejemplo, está montada en las cortezas visuales del cerebro con las áreas específicas, numeradas V1 con V5, cada uno que tiene una función específica. Un disturbio en esas áreas uno o tiene una manifestación bien definida. El sentido del olor acciona memoria con una urgencia que refleje su puente de los centros del tálamo del razonamiento e ir directo a la corteza olfativa. En el nivel de microbios, el sentido del olor es la primera línea de defensa en la identificación de uno mismo de otro, y depredador del uno mismo. El sentido del gusto se liga inextricable al sentido del olor. Junto, se llaman los chemosenses. No podría encontrar la referencia original al amanecer estético de Benjamin. Trenza vous del s'il de M'aidez.


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