domingo, 7 de septiembre de 2008

Bienal Pintura Rufino Tamayo

Es un placer invitarlos a la XIV Bienal de Pintura Rufino Tamayo donde fueron seleccionadas dos de mis pinturas: Starbucks: 44% Black, 30% Green, 26% white y McDonald's: 73% Red, 19% Yellow, 8% white.
Espero verlos ahi.
Inauguración: 11 Septiembre 2008. 20:00. Museo Rufino Tamayo, México DF.

I'm pleased to invite you to the XIV Rufino Tamayo painting Biennale in Mexico City, where I'll be participating with two paintings: Starbucks: 44% Black, 30% Green, 26% white and McDonald's: 73% Red, 19% Yellow, 8% white.
I hope you can make it.
Openning on Wednesday September 11th. 20:00. Museo Rufino Tamayo. Mexico City.

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