jueves, 19 de noviembre de 2009

Google Suggestions.... (Racist or Rude)

PART 2 (Racist or Rude)

Google has a tool for suggesting or completing searches for the users. The choices presented are based on the most popular queries on the web. I feel that this tool works as a very effective insight to the web's collective unconsciousness. Here are some examples...

Don't be offended, the collectiveness is speaking.

miércoles, 11 de noviembre de 2009

Google Suggestions....

Google has a tool for suggesting or completing searches for the users. The choices presented are based on the most popular queries on the web. I feel that this tool works as a very effective insight to the web's collective unconsciousness. Here are some examples...

domingo, 1 de noviembre de 2009

451 - List #1

451 - List #1

* If anyone is willing to donate me a copy of any of this titles for a project, It would be great! Thanks. No importa el idioma, aunque de preferencia en el original. Gracias

A Few Figs from Thistles, Edna St. Vincent Millay
Leaves of Grass, Walt Withman
The Sound and the Fury, William Faulkner
Hamlet, William Shakespeare
La Biblia
Paradise Lost, John Milton
Edipo Rey, Sofocles
La Rebelión de las Masas, Ortega Y Gasset
Meditaciones, Marco Aurelio
La República, Platón
Gulliver's Travels, Jonathan Swift
On the Origin of the Species, Charles Darwin
Out of My Life and Thought, Albert Schweitzer
Las Nubes, Aristófanes
An Autobiography of my Experiments with Truth, Mahatma Gandhi
Manual of Parliamentary Practice for the Use of the Senate of the United States, Thomas Jefferson
Magna Carta
United States Constitution
Headlong Hall, Thomas Love Peacock
Il Principe, Nicolas Maquiavelo
Principia Mathematica, Bertrand Russell
Walden, Henry David Thoreau
Farenheit 451, Ray Bradbury